Enter stage left…

stumbling truth
1 min readJan 5, 2022

I thought I was might start writing very short articles. It’s not that I want to tell you what I think or try and to convince you to take a position I may hold but by forcing myself to write something I might better clarify my own thinking.

While I’m only writing it as an exercise in trying to think better I do recognise that other people might read it.

Barthes talked of the Death of the Author. Let the text (or art generally) talk for itself. I don’t know whether I agree on not for art such as paintings, but certainly for anything that I wrote I would like that to be true. I simply don’t think you can ignore the author of a text. If I were to write something on Black Lives Matter you’d read it differently if I was a black women, compared to a white man. If I wrote on gender issues you’d no doubt read things into it if I was a gay man, a transgender woman or some other flavour of human.

I’ve kept anonymous because I want to mitigate the reader taking anything out of the text, than the text itself.

If I make mistakes, or there are things you disagree with then do by all means tell me why I’m wrong on something.

